Y.W.C.A Campus
Chennai, India
Urban planning and vision
2024- Ongoing
5 Acres
Shreya Krishnan, Nishitha I
The project envisions transforming the institutional campus into a vibrant, multifaceted green space centered around a pond, fostering ecology, well-being, and community engagement. A central green spine will provide shaded circulation areas, complemented by diverse gardens, including pollinator, therapy, and community gardens, as well as riparian buffers, enhancing both human and ecological health. Public parks and natural playgrounds will further enrich the campus experience. Integrating water-sensitive design, the plan incorporates bioswales to channel rainwater away from high-traffic areas, rain gardens to store and gradually percolate water into the ground, and bioretention planters to manage runoff near large paved zones, ensuring effective flood mitigation and sustainable water management.